Case Studies

Accelerating Change with Web Apps and DevOps – Client’s Success Story

Accelerating Change with Web Apps and DevOps – The  Client’s Success Story Background: The XYZ Client is a leading retail…

On-Premises Git Repos to Azure DevOps Migration

On-Premises Git Repos to Azure DevOps Migration Background: Company XYZ is a medium-sized software development company that has been using…

On-Premises Server Migration to AWS Cloud

On-Premises Server Migration to AWS Cloud   Introduction: Company X is a medium-sized enterprise with a substantial on-premises IT infrastructure…

VM Implementation on VMware using Terraform

VM Implementation on VMware using Terraform   Client Overview: ABC Corp is a rapidly growing technology company with a diverse…

Microservices Implementation on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

Microservices Implementation on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Microservices architecture has gained significant popularity due to its ability to create scalable,…